- West Palm Beach
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Florida Confidential Settlement
Florida Premises Liability – Slip And Fall
Recovery for a client who was severely injured when she slipped and fell at an office building requiring multiple spine surgeries
Motor Vehicle Crash
Confidential Settlement Post-Verdict
Florida Auto Crash
Florida Premises Liability
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client injured in a hit and run motor vehicle accident on I-95 resulting in neck and lower back fusion surgeries.
Florida Auto Crash
Settlement for woman forced to undergo major spinal fusion surgery as a result of a devastating motor vehicle collision.
Workers’ Compensation – Low Back Injury
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client injured in a motor vehicle accident causing injuries to her neck. She underwent neck fusion surgery.
Auto Crash
Auto crash, Neck injury
Florida Parking Lot Crash
Parking Lot Car Crash-Back Injury
Slip And Fall Accident
Recovery for client who suffered an upper extremity injury.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who suffered a lower back, knee and neck injury.
Highway Crash
Highway Crash-Back Injury
Premises Liability – Florida Slip And Fall
Recovery for client injured when she slipped and fell in a convenience store resulting in neck and lower back fusion surgeries.
Florida Rear End Collision
Car Crash-Neck Injury
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client who suffered aggravations of preexisting lower back conditions as a result of being struck from behind by another vehicle. She was forced to undergo lower back fusion surgery.
Florida Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured her neck and lower back in a motor vehicle collision with an oil tanker truck resulting in neck fusion surgery.
Florida Auto Collision
Recovery for client who was involved in two separate motor vehicle collisions which resulted in neck surgery.
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client who was rear ended by three vehicles in a chain-reaction crash while she was stopped at a traffic light. Client injured her neck and was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client who was a passenger in a vehicle that was T-boned by another vehicle resulting in a fractured humerus that required surgery, neck and lower back injuries.
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for client who driving a minivan when she was struck on the passenger side by another vehicle. She injured her neck and lower back and was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Florida Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured her neck and lower back in low impact, front end collision. She was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
West Palm Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured her neck in a motor vehicle collision and was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who suffered a neck injury.
Florida Slip And Fall
Trip and fall at hotel-Neck and Back Injury
Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for a client who was forced to undergo cervical spine disc replacement surgery as a result of a motor vehicle crash.
Florida Slip And Fall
Slip and fall at restaurant-Knee and Back Injury
Multiple Florida Auto Collisions
Recovery for client who was involved in two separate collisions resulting aggravations of pre-existing lower back and neck injuries. Client was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Southern Florida Auto Crash
Recovery for a client severely injured in a motor vehicle crash which required spinal fusion surgery.
FL Auto Crash
Recovery for a client severely injured in a motor vehicle crash which required spinal fusion surgery.
Florida Scooter Crash
Scooter crash-Face and Elbow Injury
Auto Crash
Recovery for client severely injured in a motor vehicle crash which required cervical spine disc replacement surgery.
FL Auto Accident
Recovery for client who was injured in a violent rear end collision resulting in lower back fusion surgery.
Florida Van Crash
Van Crash-Neck Injury
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured her neck as a result of a collision that occurred in a parking lot. She was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who was injured in a rearend collision resulting in shoulder, neck and lower back injuries. He was forced to undergo shoulder and lower back surgeries.
FL Auto Crash
Recovery for client who injured her neck in a motor vehicle crash which required her to undergo a spinal disc replacement surgery in her neck.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who suffered a neck and back injury
North Florida Auto Wreck
Recovery for a client severely injured in a motor vehicle wreck which required spinal fusion surgery.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who suffered injuries to his neck and lower back following a rearend collision. Client underwent spinal injections and was recommended for spine surgery.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who suffered injuries to his neck and lower back following a rear end crash while he was working. Client underwent spinal injections and neck fusion surgery.
Auto Collision
Recovery for a client who suffered aggravations of preexisting neck and lower back conditions as a result of a collision in a parking lot. She underwent spinal injections and neck fusion surgery as a result of the accident.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who suffered a neck injury
Slip And Fall Accident
Recovery for client who suffered a shoulder injury
Auto Crash
Recovery for a client who suffered injuries to his hip, neck and ankle.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who was involved in a four car rearend collision. She suffered injuries to her neck and lower back and underwent spinal cord injections.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who was a passenger in a vehicle that was struck from behind. She suffered neck and lower back injuries resulting in neck fusion surgery.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who was struck from side by another vehicle resulting in neck injuries.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who injured his neck as a result of being rear ended by another vehicle. He was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Premises Liability – Trip And Fall
Recovery for a client who injured her neck after tripping and falling down steps at her apartment complex.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured her neck and underwent neck fusion surgery following a rearend collision.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who injured her neck following a motor vehicle crash. She was forced to undergo neck fusion surgery.
Workers’ Compensation – On The Job Accident
Recovery for a client who injured shoulder following a work related accident.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who injured her neck and underwent neck disc replacement surgery following a motor vehicle crash.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who was a passenger on a county operated bus line that struck another vehicle. Our client injured her neck and underwent neck fusion surgery.
Auto Collision
Recovery for client who injured his neck as a result of motor vehicle collision. He underwent neck fusion surgery.
Auto Crash
Recovery for client who injured his neck as a result of motor vehicle crash. He underwent spinal injections and was recommended for lower back surgery.
Auto Crash
Slip And Fall Accident
Recovery for client who suffered a wrist injury
Auto Crash
Auto Crash
Premises Liability
Premises Liability
Auto Crash
Auto Crash
Confidential Settlement
Confidential Settlement
Settlement – Spinal Cord Injury
Settlement – Motor Vehicle Crash – Spinal Cord Injury
Verdict – Slip and Fall with Spinal Cord Injury
Settlement – Motor Vehicle Crash – Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Settlement – Motor Vehicle Crash – Spinal Cord Injury
Slip and Fall with Spine Surgery
Confidential Settlement
Confidential Settlement
Confidential Settlement
Auto Crash Resulting in Spine Surgery
Verdict – Trip and Fall with Spine Surgery
Auto Crash Resulting in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Confidential Settlement
Talk to our West Palm Beach Personal Injury Lawyers Today
If you have suffered a personal injury because of someone else’s negligence or wrongful act, we can help you get the compensation you deserve. Our team of Accident Attorney West palm beach has years of experience providing an aggressive defense for clients and will work to ensure your case is successful.