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Moments of laughter, adrenaline rush, cheer, tasty food, cotton candy, and beautiful people all over, are things people expect to see when they visit an amusement park.
It never crosses their minds that amidst all the fun and excitement, danger lurks somewhere in a corner, waiting to strike. Then within seconds, the roller coaster stops, or a high riding machine develops a glitch. Before you know it, you have a broken arm after the machine smashed you against a barrier.
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What Causes Amusement Park Accidents?
You can also enjoy all the activities at an amusement park only for you to eat the park’s special treat and get poisoned. These are examples of how things can quickly go awry at an amusement park.
So, what exactly should you do if, for one reason or another, you become a victim of an amusement park accident?
You guessed it right. Call an amusement park accident attorney.
Don’t wait for a day or two before reaching out to us. At Felice Trial Attorneys, we go the extra mile to ensure amusement park accident victims get compensated on time.
Before delving into the intrigues that come along with filing and claiming compensation after an amusement park accident, let us learn a thing or two about amusement park accidents in general.
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Amusement Park Accident Statistics
In 2017, the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions revealed a report that shocked many. According to the report, there were, at the time, more than 2,206 known cases of amusement park accidents.
Note that the report covered just 383 amusement parks in the United States, out of a possible 754 amusement parks. This means every year, thousands of amusement park accidents go unreported.
Way before the report mentioned above, the Consumer Product Safety Commission had done another report on amusement parks in 2006. The report revealed that one-half of individuals who get injured in amusement park rides are children.
The report defined children as individuals before the age of 14. Out of all victims that were ejected from an amusement park ride or fell three quarters were children.
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Amusement Park Accident Attorneys at Your Service
Under both circumstances, it is up to you to prove that you were injured. The injuries should be a result of a negligent employee or structural/design defect of a machine.
Note that the amusement park owes you a duty of care once you are within their premises. Getting injured within their premises is a breach of that duty, which amounts to negligence. Your recourse in law damages, which means you must receive compensation for your injuries. That is exactly where Felice Trial Attorneys comes into the picture.
Our team will not just make sure you can prove your claim in court. We will make sure you get compensated justly and on time. Call us today at 561-444-8822 for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
The amusement park management or the ride manufacturer may be held responsible for your injuries.
Remember that amusement park owners can be held responsible for the actions of their staff. Ride manufacturers can also be held liable for injuries that can be directly attributed to a product flaw. A product flaw can occur as a result of poor design, improper safety inspection before the product was sold, or even faulty parts. Employees can also be considered negligent for any of the following reasons.
- Failure to maintain rides
- Inability to set up visible and clear warning signs
- Failure to perform safety tests
- Giving false or unclear instructions to guests and riders
- Operating rides poorly
The damages that can be claimed in an amusement park accident claim include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other related damages.
The statute of limitations for filing an amusement park accident claim varies by state. In Florida, the statute of limitations is four years from the date of the accident.
To support an amusement park accident claim, evidence such as witness statements, photographs, and video footage of the accident, medical records, and other relevant documents may be required.